“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within...”
Romans 12:2

Hilary's Desk

Part 3 of 4 Offiteerers’ cognitive dissonance

Hilary Butler - Saturday, November 28, 2009
  If provaccine people saw that there were barking up the wrong tree, and acted on it, they would immediately be isolated from their peers as if they were some virulent plague. Their revered “experts” who are pretty much the only social group they have known for years, would all look at them, point the finger and shout, “TRAITOR”. The "turncoat" would lose all their friends (and income) in o...

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Part 2 of 4 Offiteerers’ passion

Hilary Butler - Friday, November 27, 2009
A recent abridged email provides another piece to the jigsaw puzzle: This person was talking about being “called into the manager's office and informed that I was now an Immunisation Co-ordinator, a joint role I shared for about 18months. I have been in the position of seeing and hearing both sides of the immunisation debate. I attended one of the Immunisation Conferences a few years ago, and ...

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Part 1 of 4 Offiteerers’ remorse

Hilary Butler - Thursday, November 26, 2009
At a recent annual provaccine conference, it is reported that delegates expressed remorse at “strong arm” tactics. Could it be that the MenZB vaccination campaign, and the latest Gardasil efforts, have seriously backfired in their faces? People are sick of being emotionally blackmailed with drama-queen DVD’s about “How you will die if you don’t” or “Vaccination is the right thing to do, because...

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Mandatory Vaccination

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Making vaccines compulsory, isn't something you hear much about in New Zealand media, BUT... if we aren't careful, mandatory vaccination will become law in this country. While those who tweak the strings around the wrists of politicians have kept very quiet in public, in private, there have been, and are, far more intense discussions going on about making vaccines mandatory, than ever before. H...

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More Mercky Maths

Hilary Butler - Monday, April 06, 2009
According to IMAC “In New Zealand cervical cancer is the third most common cause of cancer in women aged 25 - 44 years.” As usual, no reference. (pdf of IMAC page uplifted here, see page one)  Really. That’s very interesting, because the Auckland District Health Board’s March 2009 4 mb “Nova” Newsletter  says differently. (1st 4 pages uplifted here, because they remove it when the next one come...

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It takes three

Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 02, 2009
Shall we analyse it? Underlined, are … to me … the key fishhooks: Title. “One thing you can protect them from” Note the word CAN. Implied message: “We are calling YOU, and if you love your daughter, you will protect them…..” _______ First sentence. “You can’t protect them from everything, but you can help protect them from cervical cancer.” Note the addition of the word HELP, which modifi...

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Whooping cough lies, ad infinitum

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Whenever whooping cough breaks out in Australia, the medical profession indulge in their usual lies about why they are having (*yawn*) yet another whooping cough outbreak. This year is no exception except the lies have a little extra bribery and fearmongering twisted into the foment provided to the media. Yesterday's lie came from Dr Mitchell Smith, New South Wales Health Department mouthpiece...

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More taxpayer-funded Gardasil propaganda

Hilary Butler - Friday, September 05, 2008
I sit here looking at the latest Ministry of Health HE2013 taxpayer funded propaganda for the "Cervical cancer Vaccine", Gardasil.  It's a 21 board-page 'quick flipchart', which tells you nothing more than the two websites mentioned in the last blog. Being information for Health Professionals and young women (which makes you think that they are treating young women with as much respect as ...

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Gardasil lies, damned lies and more omissions

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The e-mails and phone calls have finally stopped.  Thank you everyone.  If interpretations are true, the performance on TV last night, of teenage giggling and Nikki Turner's elation at the introduction of Gardasil in New Zealand was a very happy clappy occasion. Perhaps. However, I had already checked out the two new websites: one put together at Nikki Turner's request by non-questioning AUT st...

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