The May 2008 edition American Academy of Pediatrics newsletter published this extraordinary letter from All Star Pediatrics which AAP is encouraging all other doctors to adopt.
The letter has also been posted at the American equivalent of vaccine defenders, IMAC, so expect something similar to be promoted in New Zealand. Please download the full letter and read it yourself.
The letter in part stated:- We firmly believe in the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent serious illness and to save lives.
- We firmly believe in the safety of our vaccines.
- We firmly believe that all children and young adults should receive all of the recommended vaccines according to the schedule published by the Centers for Disease Control and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
- We firmly believe, based on all available literature, evidence and current studies, that vaccines do not cause autism or other developmental disabilities.
- We firmly believe that thimerosal, a preservative that has been in vaccines for decades and remains in some vaccines, does not cause autism or other developmental disabilities.
- We firmly believe that vaccinating children and young adults may be the single most important health-promoting intervention we perform as health care providers, and that you can perform as parents/caregivers.
The recommended vaccines and their schedule given are the results of years and years of scientific study and data gathering on millions of children by thousands of our brightest scientists and physicians.
We are not surprised at the statements, though we are somewhat taken aback by the arrogance of those statements.
Let’s look at one statement in this letter:
We firmly believe that vaccinating children and young adults may be the single most important health-promoting intervention we perform as health care providers, and that you can perform as parents/caregivers.
This statement is often seen in articles defending vaccines.
Another example is seen here:
“The immunization of children against a multitude of infectious agents has been hailed as one of the most important health interventions of the 20th century.”
Vaccines are considered to be the “only” medical intervention worth talking about. Have a look at this graph:
Interesting, isn’t it.
For another very unpopular view as to what was the real reason for the decline of infectious diseases, read this medical article : The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in theUnited States in the Twentieth Century.
If all other infectious diseases declined across the board, wouldn’t you expect most childhood infectious diseases to do likewise?
But let’s not quibble over the issue, since the “proof” of that is seen in yet another table:
That is a very impressive decline by 1935 which was BEFORE the invention of antibiotics or the use of vaccines for most of those diseases. So, on the basis of data published in the Lancet, and a key Infections diseases textbook, tell me...
Are vaccines the single most important health intervention historically?
Are vaccines the single most important health intervention that you as a caregiver can do for your child or yourself? be continued.