Hilary's Desk
Health Department Bouquets and brickbats
Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 30, 2009
Bouquets to the Health Department for finally waking up to the fact that their infection protocols are ludicrous. We hear on the news tonight that they are concerned the infection could spread like wildfire through doctors surgeries! Well, hello??!!! Do they think that doesn’t happen with ordinary flu, all the time? Do they honestly believe that in “normal” times, doctors’ surgeries are a model...
Swinish thoughts on autopilot brains
Hilary Butler - Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Handshakes put pair in quarantine tells us "Public health official Sally Young said only those with direct contact with the Rangitoto pupil required isolation at the moment." Hello? Is anyone at home in the Health Department? Yoo hoo!!!?
Have the GP, receptionist, practice nurse (who would surely have been involved if the clinic was ssoooo busy...) all been put in isolation as you ask?????
Swinish thoughts on Medical Insanity
Hilary Butler - Wednesday, April 29, 2009
1) Front page, Tuesday April 28, a story called A boy, a game and fears spread tell us:
they consulted a GP on Saturday about her son's mild respiratory symptoms
Is the GP now in quarantine and have his rooms been sterilized?
Down the bottom we read...:
About 100 people are in quarantine as they wait for the Melbourne laboratory test results.
Auckland Regional Public Health Se...
Medical insanity
Hilary Butler - Tuesday, April 28, 2009
We have very strange habits. Like: refusing to wait in doctor's waiting rooms, unless we're the first there in the morning. Refusing to take our patently infectious sick children into waiting rooms, or doctor's surgeries and wait there. "What???" I hear you screech. "How irresponsible is that???" Quite the contrary. The current medical system which encourages sick people to sit in their wai...
When Swine Flu isn't swine flu
Hilary Butler - Monday, April 27, 2009
Here we go again. Another media beat up. Make a huge story out of... what??? An influenza virus which has caused thousands of cases, which in that horribly polluted smoggy lung coughing place called Mexico City, has caused serious pneumonia in some of them, which killed just over 100 of them. Some thousands of cases you say? Maybe. Cruising all the medical reports, it's pretty obvious that t...
Follow the money
Hilary Butler - Friday, April 17, 2009
In a move worthy of a Monty Python Movie, Dr Jay Gordon has earned my hero award for the decade, for his two 2009 April fool’s press releases sent to a subscription only obscure list called Lactnet, for lactation consultants and doctor who support breastfeeding. Jay is a breastfeeding advocate and passionate about the WHO code, and ethical medicine. He and many of his colleagues are very unhapp...
Trotman eats toe jam, yet again
Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Sunday Star Times has a magazine called Escape in which their regular medical columnist, Dr Paul Trotman, pontificates on a diverse range of medical issues. He is known for his vigorous denouncement of anything thought to originate from, or be, “anti-vaccine”. His latest contribution however, is remarkable for the utter stupidity of opening the mouth prior to opening the brain. Apparently, ...
More Mercky Maths
Hilary Butler - Monday, April 06, 2009
According to IMAC “In New Zealand cervical cancer is the third most common cause of cancer in women aged 25 - 44 years.” As usual, no reference. (pdf of IMAC page uplifted here, see page one) Really. That’s very interesting, because the Auckland District Health Board’s March 2009 4 mb “Nova” Newsletter says differently. (1st 4 pages uplifted here, because they remove it when the next one come...
Mercky Maths
Hilary Butler - Sunday, April 05, 2009
We are told that Gardasil will result in a 70% reduction of cervical cancer smears, because HPV 16 and 18 make up 70% of all abnormal smears. Right? Bollocks! Where is the proof? I’ve spent the day looking everywhere for the as usual unreferenced study detailed at IMAC (scroll down quite a way) which apparently, is the only study which has been done on oncogenic HPV smears in this country. It’s...
The Murky side of Merck
Hilary Butler - Sunday, April 05, 2009
The writing of hitlists is something most people associate with gangs, criminals and the Mafia. So perhaps it will come as a surprise to read of a trial in Australia about a hit list of the names of doctors who spoke out against a drug called Vioxx. This particular list was not made up by Gambino Mafia, but by white collar pushers and shovers at ... Merck. it's common knowledge that Merck is r...
Did you have time?
Hilary Butler - Saturday, April 04, 2009
The Gardasil consent form was interesting wasn’t it! Did you find the time to read the fine print? So many fascinating ironies in this little exercise, which may well have “escaped” most people’s notice. The first and most interesting is on the back on page 8, where it says, “..only authorised health professionals can see, use or change the information on the consent form, the School-Based Vacc...
It takes three
Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 02, 2009
Shall we analyse it? Underlined, are … to me … the key fishhooks:
Title. “One thing you can protect them from” Note the word CAN.
Implied message: “We are calling YOU, and if you love your daughter, you will protect them…..”
First sentence. “You can’t protect them from everything, but you can help protect them from cervical cancer.” Note the addition of the word HELP, which modifi...
When information goes "missing"!
Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 02, 2009
On 1st April, Dan Olmsted, the bane of vaccine "defenders", pointed out on Age of Autism that the files of Kanner's original autism cases from Johns Hopkins Hospital, had grown legs and disappeared. He expressed astonishment that such a thing could happen, and discussed the implications of crucial missing information. The problem that he seems to be unaware of, is that this is nothing new. I've...
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