Hilary's Desk
Hands off my family
Hilary Butler - Sunday, June 04, 2017
And my choice, Lance O’Sullivan.
On 4th June, 2017, you appeared on Maori TV .
You said words to the effect of, “If a person chooses not to vaccinate and gets that disease and it results in hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of treatment, as a member of society, I don’t want to have to pay for that.”
So Lance, please answer these questions:
If some of...
Words from memory lane.
Hilary Butler - Tuesday, July 09, 2013
It's 32 years ago, since I started out researching medical history, obstetrics, drugs, vaccines and pretty much everything pertaining to keeping the family's health intact... in spite of the medical profession.
Back in 1984, when I started helping parents, whose children reacted seriously after vaccines, these are the words they said, every time, like a mindless monotone recording...
BABY FORMULA - choice or denial?
Hilary Butler - Saturday, October 06, 2012
It is time the discussion about breast milk changed to fact, not denial. Yes, there should be labels on formula, just as there are labels on cigarettes.
But if formula feeding parents really mean business in terms of accepting that breast is best, then they should be campaigning for a nationwide breast milk bank.
It is also important that people like Lisa Watson, understand a wee bit of his...
Eminence Based Medicine Part 3
Hilary Butler - Friday, May 04, 2012
Back to Basics, Part 1 and Part 2, lay the framework for asking the key questions of this blog, which relate to "Just how 'scientific' are vaccines, in principle, in practice, in fact and in application?" In order to understand the implications of that in babies, the lack of understanding about the neonatal immune system (and new discoveries which are very disturbing) - anot...
Serenity's grandmother wants answers.
Hilary Butler - Friday, May 06, 2011
Everyone wants answers, just as much as Serenity's grandmother wants answers. There's no doubt that some parents kick kids around like footballs. The problem is ... where do you get the WHOLE truth? What do the medical people mean by saying that the injuries were "similar to" shaken baby syndrome? Either they are, or they aren't. And this is important, particular...
Paul Offit's Science Friction
Hilary Butler - Monday, April 25, 2011
The subject of a previous blog on Paul Offit, was his porkies in his new book "Deadly choices" Dr Offit has authored another document, where, amongst various dictatorial objectives, he wants to force yearly "exemption reviews" by a "state-approved counselor" (inquisitor/brainwasher), to brow-beat parents who chose not to vaccinate - who will no doubt then be billed by the st...
Deadly choices - Paul's porkies.
Hilary Butler - Thursday, March 03, 2011
A few days ago, I set my husband a task. To read Paul Offit’s book called, “Deadly Choices How the anti-vaccine movement threatens us all” By half way through he was unamused. Beguiled by his sighs of discontent, I decided to stop my current track of writing. and start reading. Naturally I started with the Prologue, where the first sentence read; “There’s a war goi...
Shock ...Horror - treating fever could be bad for you!
Hilary Butler - Monday, November 15, 2010
Today, we are told that fever is good for you! Now where might you have heard that before? Oh yeah.Here of course. And you'll find a chapter called "Fever Pitch" in the book we wrote in 2006. And then there's the chapter called "Bringing chickenpox to the boil" in our second book, published in 2008, which detailed some of the dramas created by Pfizer, who didn't like IAS ...
On placentas, stem cells and breastmilk
Hilary Butler - Sunday, November 14, 2010
The function of the placenta is an overlooked non-thought, because the medical system considers it redundant the minute a baby's head makes an appearance. Don't you think that strange, given that for nearly nine months, the placenta has provided nutrients, oxygen and... stem cells to the baby? This magnificent organ provides an amazing service, which is utterly abused, particularly ...
Cord clamping - on leaving the cord alone...
Hilary Butler - Saturday, November 13, 2010
Long time readers here will know that immediate cord-clamping is something which makes me angry enough to write lots of blogs on it. In the latest BMJ, a retired consultant obstetrician, in a column called Personal View calls for the practice to be stopped. Why does an obstetrician have to be retired before saying the blindingly obvious? It’s utterly insane&nbs...
Starship Doctors slammed
Hilary Butler - Sunday, October 31, 2010
In the Sunday Star Times today, Judge David McNaughton delivered a swift message to Starship doctors about predictive and substandard medical care, and the presumption of guilt without good cause. The Judge found Famaile Lino not guilty of abusing his six month old child after Starship jumped to conclusions, and robustly defended their own preconceived mindsets. The L...
How doctors don't think.
Hilary Butler - Tuesday, October 26, 2010
In his book, "How Doctor's Think", Dr Jerome Groopman describes an ultrasound doctor, who detects in a baby, inside a woman 5 weeks from giving birth, a strange shaped space inside the baby's brain which should look like a tear-drop with sharp edges, but just doesn't look quite right. Not badly wrong, but just not quite right. Because the shape is pretty near...
When will they ever learn?
Hilary Butler - Friday, October 22, 2010
Mannnnny years ago (1984 - 86), I wrote an article on obstetricians dogmas on cord cutting in hospital ,which landed up in various incarnations in several journals worldwide, finally landing up in Mothering Magazine. The thrust of this article was that obstetricians had their heads firmly located in the pavement, and that babies of any age, and condition are not born with a scissor d...
Corrupt process results in corrupt practice.
Hilary Butler - Thursday, October 21, 2010
In a brilliant article called Lies, Damned Lies and Medical Science (pdf) a bright light was shone upon the reality of medical practice across the board, .... by what I thought was an almost extinct species - honest scientists.Thank goodness that some actually exist. It gives me hope for the future! The fact that medicine is often damned lies, is something we've b...
Pertussis epidemic? Or Media induced malady?.
Hilary Butler - Thursday, September 23, 2010
What epidemic? "Numbers have been on the rise since June this year, but they really spiked up in August," said Dr Alison Roberts, of the Ministry of Health' ... Hiding behind the word "epidemic", as a scare tactic, Alison Roberts continues: "We have been expecting an epidemic around now. New Zealand has a whooping cough epidemic every four to five years, and the last one started in 1999." ...
Voices and choices by Peter Butler
Hilary Butler - Wednesday, September 22, 2010
When I wrote our home education curriculum it incorporated what I consider an essential foundation stone. A lifestyle must surely include the integration of every aspect of daily living. You cannot put different issues into little boxes with an appropriate label, and then apply differing standards and values to their implementation. To do so will produce inconsistencies, double standards and hy...
Professor Hemila shocks Sciblogs into silence.
Hilary Butler - Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Professor Hemila quite rightly asks sciblogs why they blethered on about mice and cancer instead of actually DOING a literature review on vitamin C and Pneumonia.... Did Sciblogs... actually put their brains into gear? Professor Hemila's Finnish website is the BEST place on internet to find early and more recent published medical information...
Never bite the hand that feeds you.
Hilary Butler - Monday, September 06, 2010
Watching TNVZ SUNDAY’s programme about the oral contraceptive pill, called “Wonder Drug”, my mind kept flitting back to the fair grounds of old. Merry go round horses, ever rising, and lowering and the ceaseless crackly potted music; metal clown heads, swinging wide open mouths, and the croaky voiced candy floss man intoning his automated speil. This was how I ...
Skeptics Part Four. Fever is there for a reason
Hilary Butler - Thursday, September 02, 2010
Not that' you'd know with what many medical articles call both medical and parental "fever-phobia"! What other explanation can there be to the fact that not one person in the skeptics or the medical profession questions the use of drugs to squelch fever? Or even the function of fever?
Oh yeah. There could be another explanation. You know, the one which SKEPTICS normally suggest is ...
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