“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within...”
Romans 12:2

Hilary's Desk

Are YOU a contributor?

Hilary Butler - Saturday, September 04, 2010
The world needs people.....                           who cannot be bought;                         whose word is their bond;       ...

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On the matter of Dr Anthony J Morris.

Hilary Butler - Saturday, September 04, 2010
On the matter of Dr Anthony J Morris, my verdict on the research skills of the non-skeptics is quite simple. I have known Dr Morris personally since 1984, so can say straight up, that PALMD, the practicising internist from the Great Lakes region of the USA, (PALMD's vitriole, pdf'd and uploaded here - just in case he tries to ever deny he said this) has research skills as useless as a mate o...

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Non-Evidence based Medicine: Part Three

Hilary Butler - Friday, September 03, 2010
Like many of my friends, there was once a time when I trusted the system; was ignorant about the actual lack of “evidence base”; and assumed that what I was told was right. Because of this naivety, I learned the hard way that the system can be wrong. Since then, I’ve done my best to keep myself out of this system, but when neded, I have never hesitated to confront the system&n...

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Non-Evidence based medicine, Part one.

Hilary Butler - Friday, September 03, 2010
A friend of mine, has not long got out of hospital with her fully breastfed baby. She didn’t actually “want” to be in there but the doctor noted a mild fever, and instantly got “fever phobia” and insisted she go to hospital. ESPECIALLY as the baby wasn’t vaccinated. The mother had been quite content with dealing with it herself, but her mother saw the baby an...

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Non-Evidence based Medicine: Part Two

Hilary Butler - Friday, September 03, 2010
How much medicine is actually ‘evidence based?” Nineteen years go, in a British Medical article called “Where is the wisdom?” the opening paragraph contained this information: “There are perhaps 30,000 biomedical journals in the world and they have grown steadily by 7 % a year…” (Just think how many there are now!) “… yet only about...

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Skeptics Part Four. Fever is there for a reason

Hilary Butler - Thursday, September 02, 2010
Not that' you'd know with what many medical articles call both medical and parental "fever-phobia"!  What other explanation can there be to the fact that not one person in the skeptics or the medical profession questions the use of drugs to squelch fever?  Or even the function of fever? Oh yeah. There could be another explanation. You know, the one which SKEPTICS normally suggest is ...

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Skeptics Part Three: Living Proof.

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Where are the skeptics, when it comes to looking at the “responsibility” of using intravenous vitamin C in serious illness? Where you’d predict them to be. Shoring up the medical system like good little marionettes. My thoughts on IV vitamin C in serious illness are here. For anyone wanting to know more about the science in terms of recently published books, I&rsquo...

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Skeptics Part Two: "Some suggested pamol"

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Why would any real skeptic suggest pamol as a treatment to reduce fever? It’s standard medical practice, and has been used for decades, and THEREFORE, according to skeptics, is ASSUMED to be the truth. There is no doubt paracetamol “works” by reducing fever. But does the word “proven” solely relate to whether a product does what the label says it will do? What abo...

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Skeptics or flat earthers, Part one.

Hilary Butler - Monday, August 30, 2010
Adam Dudding of the Sunday Star times, wrote and article on 15 August, 2010, called “The exasperation-filed: they want to believe”  On 22nd, August, Scott Sharpe from Nelson replied: To which Michael Edmonds from Somerfield, Christchurch replied on the 29th August 2010:   So, skeptics are “just as likely to challenge unproven medical treatments as we all….&...

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Intravenous vitamin C used in infection does not cause kidney stones.

Hilary Butler - Sunday, August 29, 2010
In the wake of the TV3 documentary "Living Proof",  thoughout New Zealand, families who have members in ICU with H1N1, are being told that their near-death family members cannot be given intravenous vitamin C because it would cause renal failure. The medical literature does not support this statement. Many times we hear about vitamin C and kidney stones, but where did that "informatio...

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What, and who, kills who? vitamin C?

Hilary Butler - Monday, August 23, 2010
Amonst all the whining ricochetting around the hallowed halls of pharmaceutically driven medicine in New Zealand, a couple of points should be logged into the system's hard drive. The first is that the medical profession should stop going on about how irresponsible and dangerous vitamin C is. The second is, by extension, stop the ludicrous, continual attempts via suitably brainwashed&...

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Vitamin C and cancer.

Hilary Butler - Sunday, August 22, 2010
Today, the Sunday Star Times published an edited version of a letter I sent them after reading this article. What follows is the full version. The text they published is in blue: Hilary Butler, 25 Harrisville Road, Tuakau 2121, 092368990 Dear Sir, Michael Jameson (oncologist) complains that the solution to the question as to whether or not vitamin C helps cancer patients, is that any benefits s...

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A wake-up call: Why fighting for your family matters

Hilary Butler - Sunday, August 22, 2010
It never ceases to amaze me, when people who put themselves out as scientists, display woeful researching skills, and appear not to hear what is said on programmes they criticise. Peter Griffin at Sciblogs had this to say about the 60 Minutes documentary “Living Proof”. Amongst his various ramblings, he misses the fact that experts were asked to comment.. but ref...

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H1N1 deaths: Auckland and Waikato ICU criminally negligent?

Hilary Butler - Friday, August 20, 2010
Are doctor prepared to their patients to die, rather than take note of either Allan Smith, or the known medical literature? Hence, this open letter to New Zealand Herald. Dear Sir, Your "in brief" report on page 5, in the NZH 20th August reporting the H1N1 death of a 53 year old man in Waikato hospital, (who had no pre-existing health conditions), and two Auckland men, 29 and 57.  These de...

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Good on you Tony!

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, July 28, 2010
In a previous blog, mention was made of North and South’s rabidly nose-in-the-air provaccine article called “The case for vaccination”. The editor, Virginia Larson stuck her personal stake in the ground, with a scathing editorial, saying, “We did not seek out the extreme anti-immunisation campaigners for “balance” because their arguments aren’...

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"Refusal" to vaccinate

Hilary Butler - Saturday, July 24, 2010
While the medical profession has finally caught on, that the more "educated" a parent makes themselves on the issues around vaccination, the more likely they are to chose not to vaccinate, they are utterly offended that people can chose not to vaccinate.  Furthermore, their take on the issue of "choice" is off the wall.  Their solution to parents not making the 'right' choic...

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When Indian doctors open their mouths...

Hilary Butler - Friday, July 09, 2010
What happens when paediatricians take a look at the disease incidence in their own country and decide that certain vaccines are not justified on epidemiological grounds?  Nothing, So long as they keep their mouths shut.  What happens when they look into the use of certain vaccines, and find that reactions are being covered up?  Nothing.  So long as they keep t...

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Babies are sterile when they are born

Hilary Butler - Sunday, June 20, 2010
It’s mind numbing to me, that in 2010, the medical system would still expound this myth. Oy Vey. But so we read, “Study looks at why mum’s kiss is good for baby”; “Sterile when they are born, babies inherited bacteria from their main carer, usually their mother” … right there, the fundamental premis, which underpins this study, is not supported by the ...

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Warfarin, the vitamin K killer.

Hilary Butler - Thursday, June 17, 2010
“Warning on blood thinning medicine” rang out the headlines in the Herald on 10 June 2010, in an article which warned that warfarin can result in strokes. This type of article is particularly dangerous, because readers can assume that what is said is the only danger there is. Warfarin is way more dangerous than just causing strokes. Warfarin is a major nutrient robber, to the p...

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