“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within...”
Romans 12:2

Hilary's Desk

Conformity, compliance and control.

Hilary Butler - Sunday, May 02, 2010
In the previous blog I linked to another blogger, who discovered that Astra Zeneca had employed V-Fluence, a company headed by Jim Bryne - ex spin-meister for Monsanto, to spy on him. and others.  He describing what he saw, with screenshots. He also posted a list of people who then read the blog line like Astra, Pfizer, WHO and other drug companies.  No surprises really.  His nex...

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On being watched.

Hilary Butler - Sunday, May 02, 2010
Don't ever think you're NOT being watched.  That's all.

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FDA to be made "more" pure and clean

Hilary Butler - Saturday, May 01, 2010
FDA has introduced changes designed “to return to science” with policies to “make things more pure and clean.”  You mean, FDA wasn't talking science before? Shock horror.  Don't the Ministry of Health, IMAC and others say that the opinion of FDA and CDC, is already the paragon of purity and cleanliness? What's that washing powder slogan?, ...&nbs...

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Little porkies and big porkies

Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 29, 2010
OPEN LETTER : Dear Drs Michael Osterholm, Kris Ehresmann and Ed Belangia; None of you get it, do you?  You say you “know the idea that the flu vaccine doesn't prevent deaths in the elderly sounds almost blasphemous” and that you “didn't really want to believe it at first either,” but that the new research is “incontrovertible”? The new research is no les...

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Swine flu white elephant makes GSK a healthy profit.

Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 29, 2010
A few days ago, I talked about GSK smacking the UK Minister of Health's hand, and how GSK been done out of lots of money by the UK Government wanting out of the Swine Flu vaccine contract. Worse news has arrived. GSK, according to the UK telegraph only made £698 million pounds from the Swine Flu vaccine that no-one wanted, which sits in the cupboard while people try to get rid of the...

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Ignrance is not bliss: serious Hepatitis B vaccine questions

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Recently, I was contacted by a young woman about to complete her midwifery qualifications.  She had delivered a baby whose young mother was a hepatitis B carrier.  This young aspiring midwife had recently returned a negative blood test for Hepatitis B antibodies,  Immediately, concerns had been raised that she may have been exposed to surface antigen from the baby's ski...

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Professor Peter Collignon disturbed at lack of influenza data

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, April 28, 2010
This morning, on Nine to Noon, Kathryn Ryan listened while Professor Peter Collignon carefully detailed his concerns about the lack of data on flu vaccine side effects; the short comings of the current reporting systems world wide; the inadequate reasoning behind the use of the H1N1 vaccine. Everything Professor Collignon stated this morning, underlines everything I said to the Health Sele...

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GSK smacks UK Health Secretary's hand.

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Here's how the story goes. In 2005 Glaxo Smith Kline, amongst other vaccine firms, threatened the UK Government, saying - "You've got to increase the use of ordinary annual flu vaccine in UK, or if a pandemic comes, we won't supply pandemic vaccine!  So there."  Fast forward to 2010. The UK Government wanted to back out on the 2009 H1N1 vaccine contract, but GSK refused.&nbs...

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Callous Disregard - "antivaccine ... having a field-day".

Hilary Butler - Sunday, April 25, 2010
Utterly gobsmacking. A doctor, who thinks the Swine flu vaccine programme unnecessary, is more concerned that the anti-vaccine movement is having a field day, because the Australian flu vaccine is causing high fevers and seizures with at least one kiddo in ICU?  Hello?  Wake up mate.  Just WHO is it that parents of children affected by vaccines in any country, usually end up...

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Swine flu vaccine produces non-functional antibodies in most people.

Hilary Butler - Saturday, April 24, 2010
You read that right. It comes right at the end of an astonishing article talking about how the 1976 Swine flu vaccine, (which never needed to be used in the first place, and was stopped because it caused serious neurological damage in recipients) produced really good levels of functional antibodies... However, the 2009 H1N1 vaccine did not. But here's the irony of it all... Point...

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When Gardasil doesn't work, it works.

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Of course Gardasil works in Australia. At least, it might when they’ve used it for long enough. But we won’t see that for many years down the line, because most the girls who have received the vaccine, were probably already having sex, and therefore will have picked up HPV types. By the way, you’re not supposed to know that HPV 16 and 18 can be got by a baby from it’s mo...

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ADHD the next Great Divide: more conformity of mindsets.

Hilary Butler - Saturday, April 17, 2010
An April 4th, a new study came out showing that the rise in autism was because mothers talked over the fence, so the next mother, trotted off to doctors, getting the next “in” diagnosis, Sorry about the sarcasm. However, 21 hours ago, we have just been served up this gem.  Gene x environment interactions for ADHD: synergistic effect of 5HTTLPR genotype and youth appraisa...

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Gardasil investigation - the fox in the henhouse?

Hilary Butler - Saturday, April 17, 2010
From Bobby Cowans Press Relations:  Members of TruthAboutGardasil.org and women around the world are disappointed with the panel of investigators selected to examine alleged violations of guidelines for conducting 'clinical trials', inadequate research, false advertising, along with various moral and ethical concerns in connection with a recent health 'demonstration project' involving...

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Flu vaccines and real prevention

Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 08, 2010
The medical system knows that the flu data is misleading, but that doesn’t matter. They will do each other a good turn at every possible opportunity. So Professor Robert Scragg, who co-authored this paper which shows that vitamin D deficiency is the driver  as to whether or not anyone gets influenza at all, isn’t going to stand up and say, “Don’t worry about th...

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Collateral Damage; The vulnerable pay the price

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, April 07, 2010
People with any brains, can see, when they are told that ordinary flu kills 400 New Zealanders every year, that 20 deaths from swine flu is chickenfeed. They also wonder why it was only last year, that steps were taken in medical practices to stop people with "influenza like illnesses", from infecting everyone else, while they sit in the waiting room. Some even asked the question as to whether ...

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When influenza flu data mongering backfires

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Here’s where their stupid data-mongering went wrong. Because they have repeatedly lied about flu deaths by simple multiplication and adding in deaths from a whole swathe of viruses that have nothing to do with the flu when there is actually only a handful of real flu deaths in the country every year, they weren’t able to admit that actually, the swine flu WAS worse than the ordinary...

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The Annual Flu jab sucker plan

Hilary Butler - Monday, April 05, 2010
“Demand for jabs puts squeeze on supply” squealed page 2 of the New Zealand Herald. And those of us who have collected these headlines for decades realise that there will be suckers out there who think the news is for real. Even if they know that this is the typical selling technique for all advertising. “Stocks limited” “One per person”. A few discrete enqui...

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The Autism Great Divide: Blind conformity of mindsets

Hilary Butler - Sunday, April 04, 2010
This study is the latest marvelous words of wisdom from the medical profession who have decided that the increase in autism can’t possibly ... really .... be due to any specific virus, toxicity or any other moronic idea from people whose kids have regressed after vaccination .... or whose mother's bodies were loaded to the hilt during pregnancy with epigenetic toxins some of whi...

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Measles on Hysteria Street.

Hilary Butler - Friday, April 02, 2010
Yesterday, in the Far North, Dr Jonathan Jarman had high blood pressure because he feared that 28 cases of measles in the last two months, in pakeha homeschooling, alternative life stylers in Hokianga, could trigger measles cases and deaths left, right and centre. His advice to health workers was to bail up everyone unvaccinated, born after 1969, and shoot’em up with an MMR vaccine, and t...

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