“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within...”
Romans 12:2

Hilary's Desk

World's first Orwell "Truth Department" award goes to....

Hilary Butler - Saturday, May 21, 2011
.... the editor of the Waikato Times.  Seriously, there isn't one, but if there was one, I'd award it to him for unethically butchered a letter of mine, to make it read the opposite of what I meant.Perhaps this is the new trend to dissuade thinkers from voicing opinions!  I mean, if you KNOW something you write will be completely butchered and made unrecognizably, ...

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It's all about money.

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Currently, there is considerable discussion relating to whether or not rodent viruses might be involved in CFS.  You will find three full text medical papers here. Obviously, we’ve always lived with mice, and Florence Nightingale had CFS, according to historical records. However, never .... since the invention of the syringe, and scientists brewing up drugs on animal cultures .....

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Misplaced trust, and legalised bullying

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, May 10, 2011
This afternoon was surreal.  While I was cooking my husband was out in the back yard, talking to someone about some people we knew, who were going through hell and back again, in the family court.  No, nothing to do with vaccines that we know about, but you know what?  If things go wrong, and you "go to the system" to get help to sort it out, don't be surprised if the system dema...

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Serenity's grandmother wants answers.

Hilary Butler - Friday, May 06, 2011
Everyone wants answers, just as much as Serenity's grandmother wants answers. There's no doubt that some parents kick kids around like footballs.  The problem is ... where do you get the WHOLE truth? What do the medical people mean by saying that the injuries were "similar to" shaken baby syndrome? Either they are, or they aren't.  And this is important, particular...

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IMAC's new minions

Hilary Butler - Monday, May 02, 2011
This morning, "Littlies" sent out the following IMAC propaganda email below, to all the people who sign up for Littlies monthly emails and promotional stuff for kids (Highlighting and comments mine). It would seem that like parliament, Littlies has utterly failed to understand the principle and rights of parents to have informed choice.  Dear Whatchermacallit,&nbs...

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Carte blanche Feudal thuggery

Hilary Butler - Sunday, May 01, 2011
The Guardian today, produced a scrappy piece of journalism here, under the heading "Herbal remedies banned as EU rule takes effect." Whatever the actualities of what herbals will survive, and what is banned, is a much deeper  issue. The voices of the skeptical comments supporting only big pharma, fall into two categories.  The intolerant, who wouldn't know a fact if they saw one,...

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Just do it

Hilary Butler - Sunday, May 01, 2011
At the core of the  Health Select Committee's immunisation recommendations to Parliament,( under the Chairman, Dr Paul Hutchison's name), is Nikki Turner’s Six Star Plan, a document submitted "privately", which is being much talked about. Page 32 of the recommendations to Parliament report smooth-talks one issue: “Declinations to be reviewed regularly and f...

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Nikki Turner's Science Friction

Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 28, 2011
Following on from yesterday's blog about Paul Offit's Science Friction, .. today's blog is about how Nikki Turner's presentations to the Parliamentary Select Committee are tainted with the same "blight".  Part of Paul Hutchison's recommendations to Parliament included Nikki Turner's unfactual statement (under her IMAC guise) that if vaccination against measles...

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Paul Offit's Science Friction

Hilary Butler - Monday, April 25, 2011
The subject of a previous blog on Paul Offit, was his porkies in his new book "Deadly choices" Dr Offit has authored another document, where, amongst various dictatorial objectives, he wants to force yearly "exemption reviews" by a "state-approved counselor" (inquisitor/brainwasher), to brow-beat parents who chose not to vaccinate - who will no doubt then be billed by the st...

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E.coli vaccine and other related nonsense

Hilary Butler - Sunday, April 24, 2011
Fiercebiotech - a very appropriately named propaganda company, has announced the development of a new nanoemulsion intranasal e.coli vaccine supposedly,---  as you see, --- to prevent 53 million women (at a yearly cost of 3.5 billion dollars) recurrent and painful urinary tract infections.  Which crystal ball produced those figures?  But more importa...

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Pneumovax 23 – an emperor with no clothes.

Hilary Butler - Sunday, April 24, 2011
Australia’s Therapeutic Good Administration has asked doctors to stop giving Pneumovax23, after a large cluster of serious reactions included the skin inflammation cellulitis, swelling from the shoulder to the elbow and abcesses. The sickest joke of all is that this vaccine doesn't work in adults with chronic illness, and never has. and as I wrote here, the UK has removed this&n...

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Who exactly is mad, Dr Holt?

Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 21, 2011
Strangely, Dr Holt's latest rant wasn't on Stuff.co.nz webpage. Dr Holt's website has a very bad scan of his jaw-frothing pontifications, but here's a better version to read.The Gospel of Dr Holt decrees that homeopathy is madness!It's just a placebo, is "harmless" but... it's unscientific, and doctors shouldn't use it.  The fact that in 2002, more than half of what conventi...

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It's all your fault!

Hilary Butler - Thursday, April 21, 2011
There are none so blind as those who appear to be control freaks.  Peter Gluckman’s words - “For the first time ever, we have a way of working out what mothers should eat” – were considered worthy of the subtext box front page of the paper version of the Herald on Tuesday. You have to wonder why.  Here’s the online version.  Let’s cut to the ch...

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Medical error and hypocrisy.

Hilary Butler - Friday, April 08, 2011
 An American report shows that hospital errors are vastly higher than previously measured. Not that that comes as any surprise to those of us who have been there, watched that, and been amazed at the santimonious scorn, and deliberate white-washing that goes on, in such circumstances. What's most interesting to me, is that this is the profession from which some participants write...

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Ministry of Health seriously misled the Immunisation Select Committee

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, April 06, 2011
This is the first in a series of blogs on this topic. This one is a long blog but you need to read it very carefully.  You need to understand exactly how the information provided by the MOH to Dr Hutchison is so misleading and the implications of that for the whole debate.  In December 2010, the Ministry of Health (MOH) replied to other submitters, and my written and oral p...

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The coming adult needle cushion.

Hilary Butler - Saturday, March 19, 2011
Do you, like some other kiwis I know, roll up and get your five yearly "pneumonia shot"? You did know, of course, that it was useless, right? Of course not. I mean, if that was the case, your doctor wouldn't have given it to you, right? You did know that the Cochrane Collaboration, medical doyen of evidence based medicine, has stated that the polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine is useless since...

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Deadly choices - Paul's porkies.

Hilary Butler - Thursday, March 03, 2011
A few days ago, I set my husband a task. To read Paul Offit’s book called, “Deadly Choices How the anti-vaccine movement threatens us all” By half way through he was unamused. Beguiled by his sighs of discontent, I decided to stop my current track of writing. and start reading. Naturally I started with the Prologue, where the first sentence read; “There’s a war goi...

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AAP's fever and antipyretic policy statement shores up big pharma

Hilary Butler - Wednesday, March 02, 2011
On March 1, The Wall Street Journal ran an article on fever  which was discussing the American Academy of Pediatric’s latest policy document on fever and antipyretic use.  which is exactly the snow-job you’d expect of an organisation wedded at the hip to Big Pharma. Out of interest, I submitted an e-response to Pediatrics. In the event of it not being put up, here is ...

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Gardasil - in the quest for evidence.

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, February 08, 2011
This post is specifically for parents who believe their children have been damaged by Gardasil, and is an attempt to put in the public arena, information which has been conveyed privately, until now.  This is information you need to know if your child is damaged, or had died after Gardasil. If your child has died. Current autopsy protocols in New Zealand are totally inadequate.  Brain...

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